Just as with any other Cannabis strain, the ACID SEED has a set of conditions in which it thrives. Luckily for many farmers, even with these stringent conditions, the strain does well both indoors and outdoors. Invest in an indoor garden; the results of the strain are well worth it. Of importance to note is that if you decide to invest in an indoor garden, ensure that you also install new carbon filters. This is done
ACID SEED for Sale:
More about ACID SEED
for the simple reason that without these filters, the smell of dank is not just confined to the garden, but spreads to the surrounding rooms, and boy, isn’t the Acid Cannabis strain a stinker? The filters are an additional cost, but if the farmer is on a tight budget, they could opt to go for the outdoor garden as they save up for the indoor garden.The flowering time for ACID strain varies depending on the setup used. In an indoor garden for example, this period lasts anywhere between 9 and 10 weeks. This is different in the outdoor garden where the flowering period typically lasts up to early November, although this is dependent on the time of planting. During this period, the plant acquires medium height, a big advantage for farmers with indoor gardens because the average height of the room is accommodating. Again, depending on the conditions provided, the yield for this strain may fall into two categories: moderate or heavy. With a THC content of about 17%, you would expect this strain to have a potent high. It also has notable uses in the medical field, with special mention in the treatment of Hepatitis C and glaucoma.
Classification: Sativa-dominant
Parents: Diesel x Unknown Dutch Strain
Growing Environment: Indoor/Outdoor
Garden Skills: Intermediate
Flowering Time: 9 - 10 weeks (indoor) or early November (outdoor)
Height: Medium
Yield: Moderate to Heavy
THC Content: 17%
Medical Uses: Hepatitis C, migraines, glaucoma, depression, anxiety
More about ACID SEED
The Aсіd Cаnnаbіѕ strain іѕ сlаѕѕіfіеd аѕ a sativa-dominant ѕtrаіn. Thе sweet аnd ѕubtlе characteristics of thе ѕtrаіn аrе testament to thе rich рrореrtіеѕ of thе plant’s genotype. Whіlе thе ratio mау nоt bе сlеаrlу ѕеt, thе рhуѕісаl characteristics оf thе plant ѕhоw thе gеnоtуре іѕ, wіthоut a ѕhаdоw оf dоubt, іnhеrеnt from the ѕаtіvа ѕресіеѕ.